Successful programs are carefully planned, managed, and controlled to ensure they are delivered on time, to budget, and in accordance with specification. Poorly controlled programs can result in late delivery, overspend, or output that does not comply with specification. Cytec support can help you ensure your programs are timely, cost-efficient, and successful on all levels.
We can take ownership of project planning and execution in the following areas:
Create a logical, structured, phased project plan with key checks, measures, and deliverables.
Develop and introduce essential project control documents, such as requirement specifications, detailed project schedules and financial budgets.
Plan, execute and carefully manage activities including engineering, design, analysis, sourcing, build, test, and validation.
Implement a regular reporting structure ensuring your project is properly monitored and controlled, and that you have visibility of critical issues.
Cytec’s team has a track record of successfully delivering complex projects and we can provide you with the required support to ensure your project is planned, executed, and delivered successfully and on time.